Phenomenology of the Beautiful and the Redemption of the Ugly


  • Juan Carlos Riofrío Martí­nez Villalba



beautiful, passions, unity, trascendentals, Aquinas


From a phenomenological perspective, this paper discusses the effects caused by the beauty and the ugly, and hypothesizes how to get rid of the ugly. Due to the impossibility of addressing the effects of something that is absolutely unknown, Chapter I intends to define what beauty is and what its distinctive profiles are. Chapter II enters into the apprehension of beauty and in the effects that occur to those who contemplate it. In order to do so, we draw a parallel between the six “effects of love” developed by Aquinas, transforming them into the six “effects of beauty”. In addition, we add three effects studied by some Greeks and modern thinkers: catharsis, epiphany, and pleasure. In contrast, Chapter III deals with the opposite notion; it identifies profiles and effects of the ugly. At this point we can face the problem of the liberation from ugliness. We concludes that only Beauty can redeem us from the ugly.


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