Rethinking Democracy
Deliberative Democracy in the Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville
Tocqueville, Social equality, Crisis, Political freedom, Deliberative democracyAbstract
This essay aims to provide a theoretical approach to the ideas proposed by Alexis de Tocqueville regarding democracy and how his writings may have paved the way for the consolidation of the concept of deliberative democracy. In this context, the analysis will initially draw on the principles outlined in the first book of “Democracy in America” (1840) and his text “Igualdad social y libertad política” (1978). The objective is to examine Tocqueville's views on the foundations of democracy, its weaknesses, and the turning point between crisis and the emergence of new mechanisms of deliberative democracy, as well as the contexts in which deliberative democracy could serve as a potential solution to the recurring problems of modern liberal democracy.
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