Direction or Association Between Soul and Body? Immortality? Proposals From Some Spanish Thinkers

  • Juan Fernando Sellés


In this paper we study the following proposals on the relationship between the soul and body of these Spanish thinkers: the fideism of Unamuno, the amalgam of Ortega y Gasset, the totalizing vision of Zubiri, the mixture of Julian Marias, the corporatism of Lain Entralgo, the substantialism of Millán-Puelles and the real distinction of L. Polo.

Jul 5, 2017
How to Cite
SELLÉS, Juan Fernando. Direction or Association Between Soul and Body? Immortality? Proposals From Some Spanish Thinkers. Colloquia, Academic Journal of Culture and Thought, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 63 - 85, july 2017. ISSN 1390-8731. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 apr. 2024. doi: